El catálogo de productos de TER INGREDIENTS se adapta totalmente a las necesidades de las industrias de alimentación y alimentación animal.
Suministramos una amplia gama de productos que pueden clasificarse en las siguientes categorías principales:
Acidulantes | Aminoácidos | Antioxidantes | Aromatizantes | Colorantes alimentarios | Conservantes | Edulcorantes | Emulsionantes | Espesantes | Ingredientes para bebidas energéticas | Vitaminas
Algunos de los productos también pueden utilizarse en otras aplicaciones, como cosmética, farmacéutica y, en ocasiones, incluso tecnológica.
Soil Release Polymer
Soil Release Polymer
Soil Release Polymers protect clothes from deeper penetration of dirt into the fabric. At the same time, they improve the effectiveness of the active detergents used for textile cleaning. In addition, soil release polymers make it difficult for any dirt to be re-deposited in the course of the cleaning process. Because of their effectiveness even at low temperatures, they also contribute to the reduction of energy consumption. Especially when used with synthetic fibers, they can achieve a pleasant feel of the textiles on skin.
Our line of soil release polymers is widely used in liquid as well as solid detergents.